Garbo’s experience at the Videoconference of the Monitoring Committee POR FESR of Piedmont Region

At the Monitoring Committee POR FESR (European Regional Development Fund) annual meeting Luca Fragiacomo and Beatrice Massaccesi have brought the experience of Garbo within the project Reciplast.

On November 10, 2021, the annual Videoconference of the POR ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) Monitoring Committee of the Piedmont Region was held (strictly online, also due to the security measures provided by the health emergency).

Among the participants at the event, there was also Garbo, which in recent years has distinguished itself in the field of sustainability and circular economy thanks to its participation in the RECIPLAST project (appRoccio all’Economia CIrcolare for the recycling of packaging and auto parts at the end of life in PLAST). Representing the company were our Luca Fragiacomo, called to introduce Garbo and the Reciplast project as head of the lead company, but also Beatrice Massaccesi, who told the experience of high apprenticeship and master at the Polytechnic of Turin, funded by the regional project.

Funded by the Piedmont Region in the framework of POR-FESR 2014-2020, in full compliance with the plan provided by the European Union, the RECIPLAST project is committed to developing a new strategy that manages to ensure smart, sustainable and inclusive industrial growth. In particular, the goal is to find and/or develop technological solutions that can finally facilitate the separation, recycling and valorization of plastic waste that today we are not yet able to exploit in the reuse, in view of a circular economy.

Read also: RECIPLAST project extended through 2022

What is the Monitoring Committee of the ERDF ROP?

According to art. 48 EU Reg. UE n. 1303/2013, the Monitoring Committee of the ROP ERDF is a partnership body established at the regional level to monitor the implementation of the Program and the progress made within the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Its annual appointment represents a very important signal for the Piedmont Region, which confirms itself in the forefront in wanting to give concrete answers to the needs of its citizens and in the attempt to restart a growth path that increases the competitiveness of companies and the entire territorial system. All this is thanks to a strategy developed through constant comparison with the institutions and with the economic, social, and environmental partners also involved in the process of strategic environmental assessment (SEA).

The Committee is composed of representatives of the relevant Member State authorities, Intermediate Bodies and representatives of partners such as regional and local authorities, city authorities and other relevant public authorities, economic and social partners, relevant representative bodies of civil society including environmental partners, non-governmental organizations and bodies promoting social inclusion, gender equality, and non-discrimination.

The Committee shall meet at least once a year to evaluate the implementation of the program and the progress made in achieving its objectives, and shall examine issues affecting the results obtained. In addition, the Committee shall be consulted on any changes to the program proposed by the Managing Authority and may comment on the implementation and evaluation of the program.

Garbo’s goal is always the same: to provide guidance for environmental sustainability and enrich the environmental processing and assessment of it with input from stakeholders, a point Garbo will never tire of making.